Friday, June 15, 2012

My bachelor thesis about cloud computing and intensive text computing

At the last year of my bachelor program in computer engineering at University of Isfahan we were asked to propose a thesis topic. I think our department was one of the toughest in the whole university . We had to propose a topic with a selective supervisor and then our proposal would be evaluated in a session with all of the department staff and then it could be accepted or rejected. In my point of view bachelor thesis is not that important and a small final project is enough.
Anyway, I chose "cloud computing" topic which was really new topic on those days. I have to admit I was really regretted for my selection because there was not enough information about it and I had really hard time to define a practical work and implementation instance into my thesis work.
After a while I found a professor course in Maryland University that was suggesting combining Google MapReduce method for data intensive processing with Amazon Cloud Computing services. I found the idea very great to start.

It is fully written in Persian. After Uploading it and publishing it in my old blog, It has been the most popular post in my blog! here is the link if anyone is interested. here!

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