I recently needed to take screen shots in Linux with a tool automatically. I needed to have a 15 seconds time intervals between these screen captures and save them in a directory to do some image processing on them.
Since most linux distributaions use X Window system as their graphical system they are shipped with X utilities which can come handy here. xwd is a tool to dump an image of an X window. It saves them in a special file format. but we can use pipes to convert it to for example png file format:
$ xwd | xwdtopnm | pnmtopng > /tmp/screenshot.png
We can have all of it as an bash script as well. name it myScript.sh for instance.
# Produce a screen dump periodically and save as a JPEG
DELAY=15 # seconds between screen dumps
DIR=/tmp/sceenshots # directory to hold screen dumps
I=0 # current image number
mkdir -p ${DIR}
while sleep $DELAY
xwd -root | xwdtopnm | pnmtopng >${DIR}/screendump.${I}.png
just do
$chmod +x myScript.sh
and you are fine!